The setting: Anonymous public elevator leading to multi-tier carpark, yesterday.
The characters:
Mr. & Mrs. Lee - 60ish Asian-American couple
LN - 40ish overweight, tall Caucasian woman (could be played by Camryn Manheim in the movie version if she wore heels and cut her hair)
Mrs. Lee, brightly: “You’re really tall.”
LN, smiling politely: “Yes, I am.” Thank you so much for pointing that out. No one has ever mentioned it before. Clothes were always too short but I never realized why until you told me! Come to think of it, it must be why I’m usually looking down at people’s heads!
Mrs. Lee, brightly: “How tall are you?”
LN, flat, resigned: “6 ft.” Actually 5’11 ¾” in stocking feet according to the doctor, but nobody believes me.
Mrs. Lee, brightly: “For a man, 6 ft. is not so unusual, but for a woman that’s really tall.”
LN, nodding: “Uhmmm.” And you’re really rude, or at the very least, clueless. If you were a child, it would not be notable, but since you’re an adult...
Lest you think I’m being racist, this phenomenon of stating the obvious (do you think I’m stupid and don’t know I’m tall?) or commenting on physical features is not limited to strangers of any particular ethnic group. Over the years, there have been many other incidents, but one in particular stands out. About 10 years ago I was entering a movie theater in Nevada with my cousin Nick. (See picture; Nick's on the right and my cousin Ron is on the left.) The 18-20ish Caucasian male teenage usher says to me: “Wow, you’re really tall! How tall are you?” Me: “6 ft.” Usher: “No you’re not. I’m 5’11” and you’re way taller than me.” Me: “Ok, I’m not. Then why did you ask?” (He was lucky if he was 5’9 ½”). BTW, Nick was standing right next to me at the time and the usher never said anything to him.

Why do some people think it’s ok to comment on a stranger’s physical features/state the obvious? If you are my friend, I have no problem ‘discussing’ my height, weight (ok, I won’t tell you my weight, but I will admit what size I wear), my crooked nose and my bad knees, just as we discuss other topics that are intrinsic to who we are. People I know and love are free to tease me and I tease them back (especially the under-tall…hehe!) But why would I want to discuss such things with a stranger? And what makes a stranger think I care about their opinion anyway? Isn’t it bad enough that I have to deal with my family and their opinions? I have no energy to deal with strangers!!!