Tall Tales
The characters:
Mr. & Mrs. Lee - 60ish Asian-American couple
LN - 40ish overweight, tall Caucasian woman (could be played by Camryn Manheim in the movie version if she wore heels and cut her hair)
Mrs. Lee, brightly: “You’re really tall.”
LN, smiling politely: “Yes, I am.” Thank you so much for pointing that out. No one has ever mentioned it before. Clothes were always too short but I never realized why until you told me! Come to think of it, it must be why I’m usually looking down at people’s heads!
Mrs. Lee, brightly: “How tall are you?”
LN, flat, resigned: “6 ft.” Actually 5’11 ¾” in stocking feet according to the doctor, but nobody believes me.
Mrs. Lee, brightly: “For a man, 6 ft. is not so unusual, but for a woman that’s really tall.”
LN, nodding: “Uhmmm.” And you’re really rude, or at the very least, clueless. If you were a child, it would not be notable, but since you’re an adult...
Why do some people think it’s ok to comment on a stranger’s physical features/state the obvious? If you are my friend, I have no problem ‘discussing’ my height, weight (ok, I won’t tell you my weight, but I will admit what size I wear), my crooked nose and my bad knees, just as we discuss other topics that are intrinsic to who we are. People I know and love are free to tease me and I tease them back (especially the under-tall…hehe!) But why would I want to discuss such things with a stranger? And what makes a stranger think I care about their opinion anyway? Isn’t it bad enough that I have to deal with my family and their opinions? I have no energy to deal with strangers!!!